PROMETEO presented at the SFERA-III Final Event
On December 13, PROMETEO was invited to be presented at the Final Event of the project SFERA-III.
SFERA III is a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Research Infrastructure Programme. The consortium is coordinated by CIEMAT-PSA and made by a total of 15 partners from 9 EU member countries. The SFERA-III project addresses advanced science challenges and integrated research activities in the field of Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) technology by integrating key European research infrastructures (RIs) into an ambitious wide project aiming at offering to a new level of high-quality services.
The project runs from January 2019 to December 2023. In view of the approaching end, the project organised a final event that took place on December 13 in Madrid, where activities implemented and results achieved were presented.
The agenda included also a session entitled “Open perspective and future possible actions/opportunities at the EU level” were several EU Projects were invited to present their activities. PROMETEO was among the invited projects and ENEA and IMDEA Energy presented it.
The presentation entitled Solar hydrogen production using high-temperature solid oxide electrolysis driven by solar heat and power: the project PROMETEO has been uploaded in the publications webpage, in the presentations section.
More information on the project:
Check the agenda at this link.